AIYOH! How la like that?

Thursday 18 April
Patrick Teoh

We have all heard the line before. Mostly from the lips of Opposition politicians. "IT'S GOING TO BE THE DIRTIEST ELECTION IN MALAYSIAN ISTORY". Perhaps it will be. Perhaps not. We shall see. But in the meantime things are already happening which serve to confuse the hell out of ordinary Malaysians hoping to vote for a better future for themselves and their children and grandchildren.

The feeling is:-

Barisan Nasional is going to town with hand-outs using our money.
Pakatan Rakyat have not got their act together.
Multi-cornered fights will hand the votes to Barisan Nasional.

......and so on and so forth.

As an ordinary Malaysian voter I am increasingly getting confused, frustrated and disappointed. With Barisan Nasional for sure. But increasingly I am thinking Pakatan Rakyat may not really be the answer either. So how?

I received a message this morning which brought the whole mess to a unbearable explosion.  Here it is...

Dear Sir,
As a resident and voter, I'm dismayed at the prospects of having a 4-way fight in Bkt Gasing. 
We voted in Simon's father in 2008, the late Edward Lee, who was under DAP. He was a good, selfless people's representative. After his passing, Simon, who was his father's personal assistant for 4 years, has risen up to take over the mantle. Truly, there's no one better who understand the people of Bukit Gasing and will fight for them with the same selfless passion. 
However, DAP intends to field its own candidate, while a former councillor, Mak is also running independent. It doesn't take a genius to see that the only winner in this race will be BN. The anti-BN vote will be split 3 ways, and we really cannot afford that. 
If you hv any connection with DAP, would you please ask them to consider backing Simon Lee for the ADUN seat. With DAP's ticket and the people's support, we can retain the Bukit Gasing seat under Pakatan Rakyat. 
TQ for your time and consideration

As the writer said it doesn't take a genius to know that if DAP fields its own candidate to make it a 4-cornered fight it will be as good as handing the Bukit Gasing seat over to Barisan Nasional on a silver platter. Why do they want to do that? Why do they not support Simon Lee? What does this Mak hope to achieve by running as an independent?

This is just one case. I believe that throughout the country similiar situations are happening. Pakatan Rakyat tactic or Barisan Nasional strategy? Right now I just feel that I am going to be screwed again.



KY 1974 said...
Hell...damn true....I'm a first time voter for Bkt Gasing....My vote ain't gonna go to BN nor PR....The 1st vote of my life will go to no political party & that's none other than SIMON LIM!!!

1:29 PM

Anonymous said...
The PR should listen to the people. As the old Chinese saying goes, the person that is able to grab ppl's heart, gets the power. With all these 3/4 corner fights, it's not helping at all. I'm certain the PR high levels understand this, but the fact that they're doing otherwise, shows that another BN is building up. Sad!
To PR: win the freaking majority first! Put all personal agenda behind! It is our hearts that you need to win over!

1:46 PM

Anonymous said...
DAP gasing service centre doing a poor job. Complaints not attended to.
Just smiles and promises are not what residents want. We want action.

I would most probably not vote.

1:53 PM

 monsterball said...
DAP and particularly under Lim Kit Siang.....he had made few calculated silly mistakes...ignoring public's opinions.
The chess game is on.
Lets hope on 20th DAP will spring up few surprises.
What we see or hear may not be real.

8:50 PM

 Shakirin Al-Ikram said...
YOU TELL ME! Looks like the PR trio are going pusing, just like the Gasing!
and latest read, DAP going under PAS symbol in Peninsula and PKR symbol in E. Malaysia!
This will add more spin to the Chinese voters who may not like the moon or the mata lebam!
Boo hoo hoo, I m fit to scream, all the hard work and we still stuck with BUMNO!

2:16 AM

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